How to set up a local mining pool dev environment for Iron Fish and Fish Hash.
Step 1: Download custom network definitions to start your node using Fish Hash before the hardfork activation (download the file below):
(You can skip this step post hardfork activation)
Step 2:
Set your graffiti and pool name. These need to be the same value.
ironfish config:set blockGraffiti 'your_graffiti'
ironfish config:set poolName 'your_graffiti'
Step 3: Start your node using the networkID for a local developer environment, using the above mentioned custom definitions
ironfish start --customNetwork /path/to/this/file --forceMining
Step 4: Start your local mining pool using your local node
ironfish miners:pools:start
You’ll see a message that your mining pool is now running on localhost:9034
(Optional Step): If you want to just produce some blocks with a CPU miner (not connected to your pool) you can run ironfish miners:start